How to value cloud computing services

How to value cloud computing services

As the costs for cloud services continue to rise, companies need to determine if the business value of those services is worth the price tag.

The new high-paying jobs in generative AI

The new high-paying jobs in generative AI

The push to adopt generative AI in the cloud will lead to new roles and needed skills, and enterprises will likely pay top dollar.

Downsides to using cloud autoscaling systems

Downsides to using cloud autoscaling systems

Too many IT shops just accept that autoscaling systems are right for them, at least until the massive cloud bill arrives.

Data should be a first-class citizen in the cloud

Data should be a first-class citizen in the cloud

Without proper data governance, interoperability, and access control, enterprises have no hope of maximizing the business value of their data.

Are cloud architects biased?

Are cloud architects biased?

Many cloud leaders prefer one technology selection over another, to the detriment of the business. It’s time we learn to be much more objective.

Applications running like clunkers in the cloud?  3 options to consider

Applications running like clunkers in the cloud? 3 options to consider

Many enterprises are finding that the applications they migrated to public cloud providers could be more cost-effective… to put it mildly.

The unhappy reality of cloud security in 2023

The unhappy reality of cloud security in 2023

Let's talk about how you can stay off the growing list of companies that have been hacked. Spoiler alert: It takes money and commitment.

Cloud computing is no longer a slam dunk

Cloud computing is no longer a slam dunk

Data center hardware is cheap and cloud costs are high, complicating the business case for public cloud usage. Here’s how to evaluate your options.

3 downsides of generative AI for cloud operations

3 downsides of generative AI for cloud operations

No one doubts the power of AI, but enterprises must realize it can also lead to deploying too many applications, scaling problems, and cost overruns.

Multicloud deployments don't have to be so complicated

Multicloud deployments don't have to be so complicated

If you haven't learned yet, multicloud isn't something you can wing. Now the enterprises that didn't make solid plans in the first place need real solutions.

Malicious hackers are weaponizing generative AI

Malicious hackers are weaponizing generative AI

The powerful capabilities of ChatGPT are being used against enterprise systems. Malicious packages and AI hallucinations are a few of the growing threats.

When are containers or serverless a red flag?

When are containers or serverless a red flag?

Everyone loves to use new technology, but sometimes it’s counterproductive. Business case should drive technology choices, not the other way around.

What's missing in your cloud optimization projects

What's missing in your cloud optimization projects

The cool kids are into cloud optimization these days, saving money and making deployments much more efficient. Here are a few trends you should know.

Cloud-based generative AI won’t be cheap

Cloud-based generative AI won’t be cheap

Get ready for the rush of generative AI applications heading your way in 2024, but watch out for the size of the bill. Who is going to pay for it?

Disaster recovery in the cloud

Disaster recovery in the cloud

Underestimate the complexity and cost of cloud computing backup and recovery and you risk missing data and lost customers. Here’s what to do.

 Amazing federated multicloud apps

Amazing federated multicloud apps

Applications that span multiple public clouds are becoming more popular, especially with Kubernetes and containers, but think carefully.

Cloud-based IT operations are on the rise

Cloud-based IT operations are on the rise

You chose on-premises systems behind a firewall for security. Don’t look now; cloud-based systems may carry out those operations on the firewall's other side.

Are multiyear cloud agreements a good idea?

Are multiyear cloud agreements a good idea?

Discounts or better service may come with big strings attached. Losing the ability to chase innovations or adjust to market changes may not be worth it.

Don't overlook attack surface management

Don't overlook attack surface management

As cloud computing becomes a scarier place given the rise in threats, it’s time to focus on the basics of ASM that safeguard cloud applications and data.

How finops affects cloud usage and repatriation

How finops affects cloud usage and repatriation

Seeing spending in real time might increase or decrease cloud utilization for enterprises. In what cases will finops recommend a return to traditional systems?

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