Component-based development has been a long time coming

Component-based development has been a long time coming

The ability to build systems out of reusable and interchangeable parts has been growing for the past 30 years. We are finally getting there with cloud. Expect big changes in the near future.

Configure finops processes with the right metrics

Configure finops processes with the right metrics

Enterprises are leaning into finops systems to cut costs. However, if that’s the only metric, you could derail the overall business benefit of cloud computing.

Get ready for exploding cloud growth

Get ready for exploding cloud growth

AI will drive tremendous net-new cloud growth, despite claims that we’re in a downturn. Optimizing your cloud systems has never been more important.

When will the fascination with cloud computing fade?

When will the fascination with cloud computing fade?

At some point, cloud will be baked into all of IT—just another building block of how we automate business. All the more reason to get it right the first time.

When cloud pros fumble office politics

When cloud pros fumble office politics

Dealing with humans may be more important than dealing with technology, especially now that many IT people are returning to in-person work.

Repatriating cloud apps and data? Think it through

Repatriating cloud apps and data? Think it through

Repatriation is a good move for ill-fitting workloads in the cloud, but these mistakes can make things worse. Know your workload and what you gain or lose.

How to succeed with cloud computing during an economic downturn

How to succeed with cloud computing during an economic downturn

Many say to cut cloud computing in a slowing economy, but it's not that simple. Use these strategic moves to position yourself to lead the recovery.

Making a new business case for cloud computing

Making a new business case for cloud computing

We thought cloud was all about cost savings, but that metric was wrong. We need to put a value on the agility and innovation cloud brings, not just dollars and cents.

3 overlooked cloud security attack vectors

3 overlooked cloud security attack vectors

Enterprises are putting their sensitive data in the cloud, but both sides are responsible for security. Be sure your cloud provider is aware of these threats.

How generative AI can hurt cloud operations

How generative AI can hurt cloud operations

The hype around generative AI is white hot, and cloud operators are excited about the possibilities. First, let’s anticipate the unique problems it can cause.

3 common myths about sustainability and cloud computing

3 common myths about sustainability and cloud computing

As sustainability becomes a front-and-center topic for enterprises, stubborn misconceptions about the power consumption of cloud-based deployments need debunking.

The 'AI tax' on AI-enabled applications in the cloud

The 'AI tax' on AI-enabled applications in the cloud

The 'container tax' means companies pay more to use containers in the cloud. Applications with artificial intelligence are no different. Make sure AI is worth it.

From ‘cloud washing’ to ‘AI washing’

From ‘cloud washing’ to ‘AI washing’

The marketing games continue. AI is the new spin causing a great deal of confusion in the world of cloud computing.

3 multicloud myths that need to be crushed

3 multicloud myths that need to be crushed

You've probably heard that multicloud avoids lock-in, is more cost-effective, and shouldn't include legacy systems. Sorry to say, but that's all wrong.

Observability will transform cloud security

Observability will transform cloud security

Cloud security threats are increasing in both frequency and intensity. We need better visibility into potential threats and proactive approaches to addressing risk.

Sovereign clouds are becoming a big deal again

Sovereign clouds are becoming a big deal again

For companies that are required to keep data within a specific country or region, a sovereign cloud may be a key part of a multicloud deployment.

Why is your multicloud so slow?

Why is your multicloud so slow?

Many complain about the performance of their multicloud deployments these days, and for good reasons. Here are a few areas to look for answers.

3 ways to screw up a multicloud deployment

3 ways to screw up a multicloud deployment

We’re experienced with multicloud, but we’re also making common mistakes. Make sure you plan common services and have all your people on board.

Forgotten cloud scaling tricks

Forgotten cloud scaling tricks

Architecting for scalability will soon become a lost art. Most architects overlook autoscaling with predictive analytics, resource sharding, and cache invalidation.

Cloud-based quantum computing lets startups compete with Goliaths

Cloud-based quantum computing lets startups compete with Goliaths

Once out of reach for smaller companies, quantum computing services level the playing field. Providers offer access, development kits, and training at more affordable prices.

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