Machine Learning in Java is Speeding Image Processing
BrandPost Amazon Web Services

Machine Learning in Java is Speeding Image Processing

Amazon's Deep Java Library (DJL) is one of several implementations of the new JSR 381 standard for building machine learning applications in Java.

A Guide to Using NDArrays in Java
BrandPost Amazon Web Services

A Guide to Using NDArrays in Java

Leverage the NDArray from Deep Java Library (DJL) to write your NumPy code in Java and apply NDArray into a real-world application.

Using Deep Java Library to do Machine Learning on SpringBoot
BrandPost Amazon Web Services

Using Deep Java Library to do Machine Learning on SpringBoot

Java users can integrate ML into their Spring applications with Spring Boot Starter for Deep Java Library. Apply these frameworks to integrate ML capabilities into microservices for deep learning.

A Deep Learning Toolkit Gives Java Developers a Jumpstart
BrandPost Amazon Web Services

A Deep Learning Toolkit Gives Java Developers a Jumpstart

Amazon releases Deep Java Library (DJL), providing Java developers a jumpstart with deep learning.

Detecting Pneumonia From Chest X-Ray Images in Java
BrandPost Amazon Web Services

Detecting Pneumonia From Chest X-Ray Images in Java

Use Deep Java Library (DJL) for image classification to apply deep learning to assist with clinical decision making.

How Amazon Retail Systems Run Machine Learning Predictions with Apache Spark
BrandPost Amazon Web Services

How Amazon Retail Systems Run Machine Learning Predictions with Apache Spark

Amazon Retail systems uses Apache Spark with Deep Java Library (DJL) to build propensity models to drive customer experience.

Run a Deep Learning Model in Java: A Quick Take
BrandPost Amazon Web Services

Run a Deep Learning Model in Java: A Quick Take

We are excited to announce the Deep Java Library (DJl), an open source library to develop, train and run Deep learning models in Java using intuitive, high-level APIs.

Deploying Deep Learning in Production Gains Multiple Efficiencies
BrandPost Amazon Web Services

Deploying Deep Learning in Production Gains Multiple Efficiencies

TalkingData, a data intelligence provider, uses Deep Java Library with Apache Spark for machine learning inference to reduce time-to-market.