Sysdig’s new Cost Advisor aims to cut Kubernetes costs

The company claims that the new tool, in combination with its existing Sysdig Monitor, can cut Kubernetes costs by an average of 40%.

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As enterprises grow wary of rising cloud expenditures, cloud and container security provider Sysdig has released a new tool, dubbed Cost Advisor, to cut costs of running Kubernetes environments in the cloud.

The tool can be used by enterprises to supplement best practices for monitoring and lowering Kubernetes costs.

Nearly 68% of respondents in a survey conducted by The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) said that their cost of using Kubernetes was on the rise.

The CNCF, which is a project of the Linux Foundation founded in 2015 to help advance container technology, recorded a total of 178 eligible responses to its survey globally, including enterprises across all sizes. The same survey recorded almost 69% respondents saying that they had no way to monitor cost or derive cost estimates.

Without the presence of a cost-estimating tool for Kubernetes environments, it becomes difficult for developers to understand if their cloud resources are over or under-allocated, Sysdig said in a statement.

The same issue becomes more complex if developers are given self-deployment options, the company added.

“While containers and Kubernetes enable teams to move fast in the cloud, cost becomes the hardest problem to tackle in these containerized environments,” said Saro Subbiah, vice president of engineering and technology at Sysdig, in a press release announcing the Cost Advisor last week.

“Without this cost data, some teams are losing an equivalent of two-to-three full-time employees by wasting their money in their cloud spend.”

Benefits of using the Sysdig Cost Advisor

In contrast to many enterprise teams that are using multiple sources of information and static spreadsheets in an attempt to understand their Kubernetes costs, Sysdig is offering Cost Advisor as part of its Sysdig Monitor suite of tools designed to monitor and troubleshoot distributed production environments. The tools offer metrics for Kubernetes, and various cloud services.

The company combines cloud cost data with Kubernetes workload usage data in an effort to help enterprise teams reduce bills.

The Advisor allocates individual Kubernetes costs to individual teams within an enterprise, Sysdig said.

Some of the benefits of using the new Advisor include reducing wasted resources by an average of 40%, driving accountability and intercepting spending spikes, Sysdig said. Sysdig said users can try Cost Advisor by signing up for a free 30-day trial of Sysdig Monitor. Cost Advisor is available for current Monitor users at no extra charge.

In September, the company had released its cloud security posture management (CSPM)  offering, which aggregates security findings by root cause and prioritizes remediation based on impact.

Before that in May, Sysdig had launched Risk Spotlight, a vulnerability prioritization tool based on runtime intelligence.

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