Review: CodeWhisperer, Bard, and Copilot X
Amazon CodeWhisperer, Google Bard, and GitHub Copilot X plod through our AI pair programming challenge. Each tool has its strengths, and none of them are perfect.
- Three tools for AI pair programming
- How the tools were tested
- Amazon CodeWhisperer
- Google Bard
- GitHub Copilot X
- Conclusion
And here is the code I provided:
import pylab, random
class Stock(object):
def __init__(self, price, distribution, vol):
self.price = price
self.history = [price]
self.distribution = distribution
self.vol = vol
self.lastChangeInfluence = 0.0
def setPrice(self, price):
self.price = price
def getPrice(self):
return self.price
def makeMove(self, bias, mo):
oldPrice = self.price
baseMove = self.distribution(self.vol) + bias
self.price = self.price * (1.0 + baseMove)
self.price += mo*random.choice([0.0, 1.0])*self.lastChangeInfluence
change = self.price - oldPrice
if change >= 0:
self.lastChangeInfluence = min(change, oldPrice*0.01)
self.lastChangeInfluence = max(change, -oldPrice*0.01)
def showHistory(self, fig, test):
pylab.title('Closing Prices, Test ' + test)
class SimpleMarket(object):
def __init__(self, numStks, volUB):
self.stks = []
self.bias = 0.0
for n in range(numStks):
volatility = random.uniform(0, volUB)
distribution = lambda vol: random.gauss(0.0, vol)
stk = Stock(100.0, distribution, volatility)
def addStock(self, stk):
def setBias(self, bias):
self.bias = bias
def getBias(self):
return self.bias
def getStocks(self):
return self.stks[:]
def move(self, mo):
prices = []
for s in self.stks:
s.makeMove(self.bias, mo)
return prices
class Market(SimpleMarket):
def __init__(self, numStks, volUB, dailyBiasRange):
SimpleMarket.__init__(self, numStks, volUB)
self.dailyBiasRange = dailyBiasRange
def move(self, mo):
prices = []
dailyBias = random.gauss(self.dailyBiasRange[0], self.dailyBiasRange[1])
for s in self.stks:
s.makeMove(self.bias + dailyBias, mo)
return prices
def simMkt(mkt, numDays, mo):
endPrices = []
for i in range(numDays):
vals = mkt.move(mo)
vals = pylab.array(vals)
mean = vals.sum()/float(len(vals))
return endPrices
def plotAverageOverTime(endPrices, title):
def plotDistributionAtEnd(mkt, title, color):
prices = []
sumSoFar = 0
for s in mkt.getStocks():
sumSoFar += s.getPrice()
mean = sumSoFar/float(len(prices))
pylab.plot(prices, color)
pylab.axhline(mean, color = color)
pylab.ylabel('Last Sale')
def runTrial(showHistory, test, p):
colors = ['b','g','r','c','m','y','k']
mkt = Market(p['numStocks'], p['volUB'], p['dailyBiasRange'])
endPrices = simMkt(mkt, p['numDays'], p['mo'])
plotAverageOverTime(endPrices, 'Average Closing Prices')
plotDistributionAtEnd(mkt, 'Distribution of Prices', colors[test%len(colors)])
if showHistory:
for s in mkt.getStocks():
s.showHistory(test+2, str(test))
def runTest(numTrials):
#Constants used in testing
numDaysPerYear = 200.0
params = {}
params['numDays'] = 200
params['numStocks'] = 500
params['bias'] = 0.1/numDaysPerYear #General market bias
params['volUB'] = 12.0/numDaysPerYear #Upper bound on volatility for a stock
params['mo'] = 1.1/numDaysPerYear #Momentum factor
params['dailyBiasRange'] = (0.0, 4.0/200.0)
for t in range(1, numTrials+1):
runTrial(True, t, params)
Here is some of Bard's response, which was quite in depth:
The code you have provided is a Python program that simulates a stock market. The program defines three classes:
Stock: This class represents a single stock. It has properties for the stock's price, history, distribution, volatility, and last change influence.
SimpleMarket: This class represents a simple stock market. It has a list of stocks, a bias, and a volatility upper bound.
Market: This class inherits from SimpleMarket and adds a daily bias range property. The program also defines several functions:
• simMkt: This function simulates the market for a given number of days and momentum factor.
• plotAverageOverTime: This function plots the average closing price of the stocks over time.
• plotDistributionAtEnd: This function plots the distribution of prices at the end of the simulation.
• runTrial: This function runs a single simulation and plots the results.
• runTest: This function runs a number of simulations and plots the results.
The program is run by calling the runTest function with the desired number of simulations. The program will then generate three plots:
• A plot of the average closing price of the stocks over time.
• A plot of the distribution of prices at the end of the simulation.
• A plot of the history of prices for each stock.
The program can be used to simulate a variety of different stock markets. By changing the values of the parameters, you can change the volatility of the market, the bias of the market, and the momentum factor. You can also use the program to simulate different trading strategies. For example, you could simulate a strategy that buys stocks when they are undervalued and sells them when they are overvalued.
Bard also provided an explanation of how each part of the code worked:
• The Stock class represents a single stock. It has properties for the stock's price, history, distribution, volatility, and last change influence. The price property is the current price of the stock. The history property is a list of the stock's prices over time. The distribution property is a function that generates random prices for the stock. The volatility property is a measure of how much the stock's price can fluctuate. The lastChangeInfluence property is a measure of how much the stock's price is affected by its previous change.
• The SimpleMarket class represents a simple stock market. It has a list of stocks, a bias, and a volatility upper bound. The list of stocks property is a list of the stocks in the market. The bias property is a measure of how much the market is biased towards rising prices. The volatility upper bound property is a measure of how much the market can fluctuate.
• The Market class inherits from SimpleMarket and adds a daily bias range property. The daily bias range property is a measure of how much the market's bias can change from day to day.
• The simMkt function simulates the market for a given number of days and momentum factor. The number of days parameter is the number of days to simulate. The momentum factor parameter is a measure of how much the prices of stocks are affected by their momentum.
• The plotAverageOverTime function plots the average closing price of the stocks over time. The plotDistributionAtEnd function plots the distribution of prices at the end of the simulation.
• The runTrial function runs a single simulation and plots the results. The showHistory parameter is a boolean value that determines whether the history of prices for each stock is plotted. The test parameter is a unique identifier for the simulation.
• The runTest function runs a number of simulations and plots the results. The numTrials parameter is the number of simulations to run.
I hope this explanation is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
When I followed up, typing in, "where is the pylab module?" Bard responded with the location of the module, how to import it, a description of features, and a pointer to the documentation.
Additionally, here is the Bard-generated code for scraping for a list of articles:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def scrape_infoworld():
"""Scrape the InfoWorld front page and return a list of articles."""
# Get the HTML from the InfoWorld front page.
response = requests.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")
# Find all articles by looking for links with 'article' in the href.
articles = soup.find_all("a", href=lambda x: "article" in x["href"])
# Extract the title, author, and date from each article.
article_data = []
for article in articles:
title = article.find("h3").text
author = article.find("span", class_="byline").text
date = article.find("time").text
"title": title,
"author": author,
"date": date,
# Sort the articles alphabetically by title.
article_data.sort(key=lambda x: x["title"])
# Remove any duplicate articles.
article_data = list(set(article_data))
# Sort the articles alphabetically by author last name.
article_data.sort(key=lambda x: x["author"].split()[-1])
# Sort the articles latest first.
article_data.sort(key=lambda x: x["date"], reverse=True)
return article_data
if __name__ == "__main__":
articles = scrape_infoworld()
# Print the articles.
for article in articles:
This code will first get the HTML from the InfoWorld front page. Then, it will find all articles by looking for links with 'article' in the href. For each article, it will extract the title, author, and date. The articles will then be sorted alphabetically by title, removed of any duplicates, sorted alphabetically by author last name, and sorted latest first. Finally, the articles will be printed.
And here is the runtime result:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-afbe7808577e> in <cell line: 40>()
40 if __name__ == "__main__":
---> 41 articles = scrape_infoworld()
43 # Print the articles.
6 frames
<ipython-input-1-afbe7808577e> in <lambda>(x)
11 # Find all articles by looking for links with 'article' in the href.
---> 12 articles = soup.find_all("a", href=lambda x: "article" in x["href"])
14 # Extract the title, author, and date from each article.
TypeError: string indices must be integers
The bottom line for Bard
Bard has a chat interface and both generates and explains code, but it doesn't have an interactive IDE integration. Given that Bard is completely free at this time, and requires no setup, it’s certainly worth trying when you need to generate, debug, and explain code in any of the 20 supported languages.
GitHub Copilot X
GitHub Copilot X is greatly improved over the original GitHub Copilot, and can sometimes generate a correct function and set of tests without much human help. It still makes mistakes and hallucinates (generates false information), but not nearly as much as it once did.
In addition to generating code within a programming editor, currently supporting only the most current versions of Visual Studio and the latest insider version of Visual Studio Code, Copilot X adds a GPT-4 chat panel to the editor. It also adds a terminal interface, support for generating unit tests and pull request descriptions, and the ability to extract explanations from documentation.
I asked the Copilot X chat what programming languages it supports, and it answered “̉I support a wide range of programming languages, including but not limited to: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, Java, C++, C#, PHP, Go, Swift, Kotlin, Rust, and many more.” I did my testing primarily in Python.
When I used the Copilot Chat facility to ask Copilot X to explain the MIT market simulation code, it gave a partially correct answer. I had to metaphorically pull its teeth to get it to explain the rest of the code.
Figure 4. Copilot X did a decent but incomplete job of explaining the market simulator.
Copilot X's most notable failure was the web-scraping code generation task. The tool generated a bunch of superficially credible-looking code that didn’t use Beautiful Soup, but it was clear from reviewing the code that it would never work. I kept bringing the problems to Copilot Chat, but it just dug itself a deeper hole. I could probably have started over and given it better hints, including handing it an import from bs4
and adding some comments showing the HTML and directory structure of the InfoWorld home page. I didn't do it because that would not be in character for the naive coder persona I had adopted for this round of tests.
Figure 5. Copilot X tried to generate the web scraping code without using Beautiful Soup (bs4). Later when I chatted about the solution it generated, it first claimed that it was using Beautiful Soup, but then admitted that it could not find an import.
As with all AI helpers, you have to take the code generated by Copilot X with a huge grain of salt, just as you would for a pull request from an unknown programmer.
The bottom line for Copilot X
In addition to generating code within an IDE, Copilot X adds a GPT-4 chat panel to the editor. It also adds a terminal interface, support for unit test generation, support for generating pull request descriptions, and the ability to extract explanations from technical documentation. Again, Copilot X is a set of technical preview features that are not yet available in a Copilot product offering; their product form and pricing remain to be seen. GitHub Copilot currently costs $10 per month for individuals and $19 per user per month for businesses.
GitHub Copilot X works decently on simple problems, but not necessarily better than the combination of Amazon CodeWhisperer in a code editor and Google Bard in a browser. It’s too bad that CodeWhisperer doesn’t yet have a chat capability or the facility for explaining code, and it’s too bad that Bard doesn’t exactly integrate with an editor or IDE.
I’d be tempted to recommend Copilot X (i.e., the forthcoming version of GitHub Copilot based on GPT-4, whatever the name turns out to be) if it hadn’t gone off the rails on my advanced code generation task—mainly because it integrates chat and code generation in an editor. At this point, however, Copilot X isn’t quite ready. Overall, none of the code generation products are really up to snuff, although both Bard and Copilot X do a decent job of code explanation.
All of these products are in active development, so my recommendation is to keep watching them and experimenting, but don't put your faith in any of them just yet.
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