PyCharm Python IDE backs Apple Silicon

Latest upgrade to the JetBrains IDE for Python development brings support for new Mac hardware and fixes multiple bugs.

PyCharm Python IDE backs Apple Silicon
David Clode (CC0)

PyCharm, JetBrains’ IDE for Python development, now supports Apple Silicon M1 processors. The new hardware support was added with version 2020.3.2 of the tool.

The upgrade was announced on December 31. Developers can access the new capability by downloading a separate installer for Apple Silicon from the JetBrains website or through the JetBrains Toolbox app, found under the “Available for Apple M1” section.

Apple Silicon is Apple’s replacement for Intel processors in its Mac computers. Release notes for PyCharm 2020.3.2 can be found at Other highlights of PyCharm 2020.3.2:

  • An issue has been fixed related to debugging of Jupyter notebooks. The issue involved freezing after resumption of the debugging process.
  • A fix has been made to an issue in which renaming a WSL interpreter broke the helpers path and prevented the debugger from working.
  • A quick fix has been made in which only an unused variable will be removed and not the entire statement in situations involving unused variables arising in complex assignments.
  • When detecting when developers are trying to import a non-existing name in CapitalizedWords style, PyCharm now will define such an identifier as a class and suggest an appropriate quick fix.

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