Simon Bisson


Author of InfoWorld's Enterprise Microsoft blog, Simon BIsson prefers to think of "career" as a verb rather than a noun, having worked in academic and telecoms research, as well as having been the CTO of a startup, running the technical side of UK Online (the first national ISP with content as well as connections), before moving into consultancy and technology strategy. He’s built plenty of large-scale web applications, designed architectures for multi-terabyte online image stores, implemented B2B information hubs, and come up with next generation mobile network architectures and knowledge management solutions. In between doing all that, he’s been a freelance journalist since the early days of the web and writes about everything from enterprise architecture down to gadgets.

Build accelerated AI apps for NPUs with Olive

Build accelerated AI apps for NPUs with Olive

Microsoft’s open-source, hardware-aware optimization tool for ONNX models is an essential part of its AI application development tool chain.

Using Microsoft Azure’s Prometheus monitoring with Kubernetes

Using Microsoft Azure’s Prometheus monitoring with Kubernetes

Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus smooths the way to multi-cluster monitoring across Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Arc-hosted Kubernetes, and on-prem Kubernetes deployments.

Getting started with MQTT in Azure Event Grid

Getting started with MQTT in Azure Event Grid

The addition of MQTT protocol support paves the way to bringing SCADA control systems and other industrial IoT deployments to Azure. Here’s how to get started.

Azure Cosmos DB joins the AI toolchain

Azure Cosmos DB joins the AI toolchain

Microsoft has introduced a spectrum of new tools to make it easier to customize and focus the output of GPT-based AI models. Cosmos DB plays an important role.

KAN: A Kubernetes edge environment for computer vision

KAN: A Kubernetes edge environment for computer vision

Microsoft’s open-source KubeAI Application Nucleus is a low-touch, Kubernetes-based system for building and running machine learning applications for edge devices.

Kubernetes cost management for the real world

Kubernetes cost management for the real world

How much will Kubernetes cost to run? That question has become much easier to answer for Azure Kubernetes Service, thanks to OpenCost integration.

Semantic Kernel: A bridge between large language models and your code

Semantic Kernel: A bridge between large language models and your code

Microsoft’s Semantic Kernel SDK makes it easier to manage complex prompts and get focused results from large language models like GPT.

Working with Azure’s Data API builder

Working with Azure’s Data API builder

Add REST and GraphQL APIs to any database with a handy .NET CLI tool.

Using Hugging Face machine learning models in Azure

Using Hugging Face machine learning models in Azure

Microsoft is working to bring open source machine learning models into Azure applications and services.

Design effective AI prompts with Microsoft Prompt Engine

Design effective AI prompts with Microsoft Prompt Engine

Microsoft’s open source tool helps you write code to work with generative AI, ensuring results give correct information and stay on topic.

Cobol in .NET with Otterkit

Cobol in .NET with Otterkit

Old languages never die, they just get ported to a new runtime. Here’s a look at a new open source project for .NET that can help modernize Cobol.

Getting started with Azure OpenAI

Getting started with Azure OpenAI

Microsoft’s Azure-hosted OpenAI language models are now generally available, and it’s surprisingly simple to use them in your code.

Easier documentation with GitHub Pages

Easier documentation with GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages lets you manage content exactly the same way you manage code, pushing from content development branches to main to publish new content. It’s a great way to ensure that code and documentation are delivered side by side.

SpiderLightning: Making WebAssembly cloud applications portable

SpiderLightning: Making WebAssembly cloud applications portable

Inside one of the technologies that powers Azure Kubernetes Service’s WebAssembly support, and promises to make applications portable across clouds and other hosts.

Introducing Cadl: Microsoft’s concise API design language

Introducing Cadl: Microsoft’s concise API design language

With Cadl, you can write a 500-line OpenAPI definition in 50 lines of code. It’s a logical way for architects and developers to construct and constrain APIs.

Azure Kubernetes doubles down on WebAssembly

Azure Kubernetes doubles down on WebAssembly

WebAssembly is ideal for cloud-native apps. A shift from Krustlets to runwasi should simplify managing Wasm nodes in Azure Kubernetes Service.

Integrating Web3 technologies with Azure Devops

Integrating Web3 technologies with Azure Devops

Microsoft’s Azure incubation team is experimenting with blockchain technologies. Can the company make them ready for the enterprise?

Inside Microsoft’s cloud-first .NET 7 release

Inside Microsoft’s cloud-first .NET 7 release

November means it’s time for a new .NET release. What’s in .NET 7 for the cloud and for containers? Cross-platform support and cloud-native functionality.

Microsoft’s end-to-end Arm development environment is here at last

Microsoft’s end-to-end Arm development environment is here at last

With Arm developer hardware now shipping, Windows is ready to embrace an NPU-powered AI future.

Ignite 2022: Making Azure your development hub

Ignite 2022: Making Azure your development hub

Microsoft is using its Ignite event to expand Azure’s role as its developer cloud, offering an isolated, configurable development platform.

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