R Language

R Language | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos

A user reviews data and statistical models. [analytics / analysis / tracking / monitoring / logging]

shinytest2, Rhino R Shiny framework top news at Appsilon conference

An updated Shiny testing package and new Shiny framework were featured at this week's Shiny conference.

Do More With R [video hero/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

Easier ggplot with ggcharts in R

Create R data visualizations easily with a few lines of simple code using the ggcharts R package. Plus, the resulting charts and graphs are customizable ggplot objects.

Do More With R [video hero/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

How to create PowerPoint slides from R

Learn how to generate PowerPoint slides straight from an R Markdown document. Plus, create interactive HTML slides in R with the xaringan package.

Do More With R [video teaser/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

Astonishingly easy mapping in R with mapview

Create interactive maps of GIS data with tooltips, hover text, and legends in one short and simple line of code. Plus get extras like side-by-side sliders and multiple maps in sync.

Do More With R [video teaser/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

Send Outlook email and Teams messages with R

The Microsoft365R package makes it easy to connect R with Outlook, Teams, OneDrive, and SharePoint. Let’s start with Outlook and Teams.

Do More With R [video hero/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

Never look up tidyr’s pivot_wider or pivot_longer again!

Love tidyr but can never remember exactly how pivot_wider and pivot_longer work? With RStudio code snippets, you can write a snippet once and always have a fill-in-the-blank code template at your fingertips.

Do More With R [video teaser/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

Easy racing bar charts in R with ddplot

You won’t believe how easy it is to create animated bar charts in the R programming language to show rankings over time.

Do More With R [video teaser/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

Easy interactive ggplot graphs in R with ggiraph

See how easy it is to create interactive web graphs from ggplot2 visualizations with the ggiraph R package. You can even link graphs so that clicking one dataviz affects the display of another.

Do More With R [video teaser/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

How to run R in Visual Studio Code

If you’re an R programmer hoping to try GitHub Copilot, you’ll need to use Microsoft’s Visual Code Studio. Here’s how to set up and use VS Code for R.

Do More With R [video teaser/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

How to use R with BigQuery

See how to use R to query data in Google BigQuery with the bigrquery and dplyr R packages.

Do More With R [video teaser/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

Use the new R pipe built into R 4.1

Learn the new pipe operator built into R 4.1 and how it differs from the maggritr pipe. Don’t want to install R 4.1 yet? See how to run R 4.1 in a Docker container.

3 x 4 grid of colors like 'tomato'

Make the most of R colors and palettes

How to find, display, and use 600 built-in R colors and 2000 palettes and create your own palettes and palette functions. Plus a bonus R Shiny app to display paletteer package palettes.

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Python is devouring data science

Someone once said that Python’s data science training wheels would increasingly lead to the R language. Boy, was he wrong.

Do More With R [video teaser/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

How to send emails with graphics from R

See how to use the blastula package to send emails with text, graphs, and analysis right from R.

Do More With R [video teaser/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

Plot in R with echarts4r

Learn how to make everything from basic line graphs to racing bar charts — all interactive and easily animated — with the echarts4r R package.

Do More With R [video hero/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

Top R tips and news from RStudio Global 2021

See how to speed up your R code, customize your graphics, and more

Do More With R [video teaser/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

Easy error handling in R with purrr’s possibly

See how the purrr package’s possibly() function helps you flag errors and keep going when applying a function over multiple objects in R.

Do More With R [video teaser/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

How to create ggplot labels in R

Annotate ggplot with text labels using built-in functions and create non-overlapping labels with the ggrepel package.

Do More With R [video teaser/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

How to create an election map in R

See how to use the R leaflet package to color-code a map by winner, loser, and margin of victory.

Do More With R [video teaser/video series] - R Programming Guide - Tips & Tricks

Download InfoWorld’s ultimate R data.table cheat sheet

Get your own copy of our searchable cheat sheet of R data.table and Tidyverse code for dozens of data tasks. Free for registered Insiders!