
Typescript | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos

Digital Transformation / Conceptual abstract of a woman making a leap of faith in a binary world.

Angular 15 arrives with standalone APIs

The new standalone APIs, now graduated from developer preview, allow Angular developers to build applications without using NgModules.

error neon mistake

TypeScript 4.9 intros operator for finding coding mistakes

New ‘satisfies’ operator validates that the type of an expression matches some type, catching many possible errors.

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Deno runtime backs inlay hints for coding

The latest Deno runtime automatically pulls in TypeScript types via NPM, and it updates to the V8 10.8 JavaScript engine.

Woman surprised with balloons

TypeScript turns 10 years old

Surprise! Despite initial skepticism, Microsoft’s typed JavaScript not only survived but continues to thrive after a decade.

pastry chefs

Bun JavaScript runtime is in the oven

Bun is a JavaScript runtime built on the JavaScriptCore engine with a native bundler, transpiler, task runner, and NPM client built-in.

Neon sign > handshake / deal / agreement / partnership / team / merger

Deno 1.26 improves Node.js compatibility, npm support

Latest update to the alternative TypeScript/JavaScript runtime also brings bug fixes and performance boosts.

Plastic, magnetic letters in compartmented boxes.

TypeScript 4.8 shines on intersection and union types

Update to Microsoft’s typed JavaScript introduces improvements to how intersection and union types work and how TypeScript narrows types.

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Deno tees up easy NPM imports, speed boosts

Upcoming HTTP server is the fastest JavaScript web server ever built, the project’s developers claim.

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Angular 15 promises to simplify development

Update due in November will stabilize standalone component APIs, introduce a new way to compose UI logic, and mark the end of the Protractor testing framework.

Tree roots

9 Deno runtime projects to watch

The Deno ecosystem is taking root, with a host of tools and services to challenge Node.js. Here are nine projects leveraging Deno for web development, serverless edge hosting, and more.

Angular 2 primary

Angular 14 arrives with typed forms, standalone components

Standalone components promise to streamline the development of Angular apps by reducing the need for NgModules.

plus symbol globe communication network digital transformation concept abstract

Deno Deploy moves toward GA, adds paid plan

Beta 4 of the serverless edge hosting service for JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly applications improves the management dashboard and adds three new regions.

man running across finish line

TypeScript 4.7 crosses the finish line

The latest version of Microsoft’s strongly typed JavaScript introduces support for ECMAScript modules in Node.js, adds coding enhancements.

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Redwood web framework hits 1.0 release milestone

Full-stack JavaScript/TypeScript framework builds on React, GraphQL, Prisma, and Storybook for Jamstack-style deployment.

wood block type

Microsoft pushes optional type annotations for JavaScript

Standards proposal would allow annotations to be checked by external type checkers like TypeScript but treated as comments by the JavaScript engine.

wood block type

TypeScript 4.6 adds control flow analysis, ES2022 support

Latest version of Microsoft’s strongly typed JavaScript also allows code in constructors before super(), improves recursion depth checks, and more.

abstract binary code stream

Deno 1.19 extends web streams support

Latest update to the secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript brings native support for web streams to files, network sockets, and stdio.

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Deno 1.18 completes Web Crypto API

Latest release of Node.js alternative also brings automatic discovery of configuration files and stabilization of the nested test steps API.

branches / branching / bare trees

Deno joins JavaScript standards effort

Company behind JavaScript/TypeScript runtime will push for additions to ECMAScript that benefit users of server-side JavaScript.

wood block type

TypeScript 4.5 arrives with Promise improvements

Latest GA release of Microsoft’s strongly typed JavaScript introduces new Awaited utility type to model Promise recursions, defers ECMAScript module support for Node.js to a future release.

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