Programming Languages

Programming Languages | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos

python programming language

Python-based Textual apps are coming to the web

Textual Cloud Service will allow Python-based terminal applications built with the Textual framework to run in web browsers.

IBM Watson

IBM Watsonx to use generative AI to translate COBOL code into Java

The product is targeted at modernizing mainframe applications that run on IBM Z systems, as the number of COBOL developers starts to dwindle.

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Swift language group gets behind structured concurrency

Swift Server Workgroup also aims to port the popular Swift toolchain installer for Linux to macOS and Windows.

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What is LLVM? The power behind Swift, Rust, Clang, and more

LLVM is a compiler framework for programmatically generating machine-native code. Developers use it to roll out new languages and enhance existing ones.

network speed

How to improve data access performance in EF Core

Take advantage of these 10 strategies to improve data access performance when using Entity Framework Core in your data-driven .NET applications.

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Fresh web framework for Deno speeds page loading

Ahead-of-time compilation results in assets being served 45x to 60x faster than just-in-time rendering, the Fresh development team says.

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How to manage Python projects with Pipenv

Have your Python projects become a rat’s nest? Pipenv provides a clean and easy way to manage virtual environments and packages together.

Prisma, prism, glass pyramid

Prisma.js: Code-first ORM in JavaScript

Get a hands-on tour of the leading JavaScript object-relational mapping tool, which you can use with MongoDB and traditional databases.

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Ahead of time compilation proposed for the JVM

An OpenJDK plan would improve Java Virtual Machine startup times with the ability to load Java applications and libraries already compiled to native code.

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Golang 1.21 brings built-in functions, profile-guided optimization

The latest update of the Go programming language also introduces an experimental port for WASI, the WebAssembly System Interface.

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OpenJDK plan would add computed constants to Java

Computed constants offer the performance and safety benefits of final fields, but greater flexibility in the timing of initialization, the proposal states.

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All the new features in ECMAScript 2023 (ES14)

JavaScript continues to evolve, with a nice batch of new features added in ECMAScript 14. Here's what's new for JavaScript developers this year.

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How to use structural pattern matching in Python

The pattern-matching syntax introduced in Python 3.10 allows for powerful new programming techniques for decision-making in apps.

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Microsoft previews new F# syntax for string interpolation

Improved syntax makes it easier to work with text like CSS that contains many curly braces, while maintaining backwards compatibility with F#’s triple-quoted strings.

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Julia language cracks top 20 in Tiobe popularity index

Qualities such as speed and scalability make Julia an attractive alternative to Python, R, and MATLAB for data science and mathematical computation, Tiobe said.

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Python moves to remove the GIL and boost concurrency

Formal plans for a Python that supports true parallelism are finally on the table. Here’s how a GIL-free Python will finally come together.

GenAI, ChatGPT, Chatbot, LLM

Generative AI with LangChain, RStudio, and just enough Python

Here's how R users can get comfortable working with Python and LangChain, one of the hottest platforms for working with large language models.

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What is PyPy? Faster Python without pain

PyPy is a drop-in replacement for the stock Python interpreter, and it runs many times faster on some Python programs.

Matryoshka /Russian nesting dolls > inheritance / sequencing / hidden layers

Intro to Nest.js: The higher-order JavaScript and TypeScript server

Nest.js shines for its modern programming paradigms and modular approach to server-side JavaScript and TypeScript. Here's a hands-on intro.

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Reactive programming with RxJava

ReactiveX is one of the most established frameworks for reactive programming, and RxJava is its Java-based implementation. Let's see what we can do with RxJava.

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