Matthew Tyson


Matthew Tyson is a founder of Dark Horse Group, Inc. He believes in people-first technology. When not playing guitar, Matt explores the backcountry and the philosophical hinterlands. He has written for JavaWorld and InfoWorld since 2007.

10 JavaScript concepts every Node developer must master

Intro to HTMX: Dynamic HTML without JavaScript

Intro to HTMX: Dynamic HTML without JavaScript

HTMX is the HTML extension syntax that replaces JavaScript with simple markup. It could change the course of web development.

Use TensorFlow to predict Bitcoin prices

Use TensorFlow to predict Bitcoin prices

Here's your chance to use TensorFlow with JavaScript. Train a neural network to predict the rise and fall of Bitcoin prices.

Intro to Hapi: The Node.js framework

Intro to Hapi: The Node.js framework

Hapi is a Node.js framework that features a high-quality code stack, powerful configuration, and dialed-in extensibility—all without added dependencies. Let's take Hapi for a spin.

Intro to Java's Simple Web Server

Intro to Java's Simple Web Server

Java 18's Simple Web Server lets you use a command-line tool or API to host files and more. Here's how it works.

Intro to gRPC: The REST alternative

Intro to gRPC: The REST alternative

gRPC is a high-performance binary protocol for remote procedure calls on virtually any platform. Here's a hands-on intro to using gRPC with Node.

Prisma.js: Code-first ORM in JavaScript

Prisma.js: Code-first ORM in JavaScript

Get a hands-on tour of the leading JavaScript object-relational mapping tool, which you can use with MongoDB and traditional databases.

All the new features in ECMAScript 2023 (ES14)

All the new features in ECMAScript 2023 (ES14)

JavaScript continues to evolve, with a nice batch of new features added in ECMAScript 14. Here's what's new for JavaScript developers this year.

Intro to Nest.js: The higher-order JavaScript and TypeScript server

Intro to Nest.js: The higher-order JavaScript and TypeScript server

Nest.js shines for its modern programming paradigms and modular approach to server-side JavaScript and TypeScript. Here's a hands-on intro.

Reactive programming with RxJava

Reactive programming with RxJava

ReactiveX is one of the most established frameworks for reactive programming, and RxJava is its Java-based implementation. Let's see what we can do with RxJava.

What is reactive programming? Programming with event streams

What is reactive programming? Programming with event streams

You could say reactive programming is like functional programming with superpowers. Let's take a look at this dynamic programming style.

Reactive Java with Spring WebFlux and Reactor

Reactive Java with Spring WebFlux and Reactor

Spring WebFlux is one of the most popular frameworks for reactive programming in Java. Here's a hands-on look at using WebFlux with Reactor.

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