Serverless Computing

Serverless Computing | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos

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Java / coffee

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The shortcomings of serverless computing

Serverless computing is a popular approach for cloud-based applications, but it's not the best fit in every case. Too often serverless fails to deliver business value.

Red flag warning button [alert / danger / disaster]

When are containers or serverless a red flag?

Everyone loves to use new technology, but sometimes it’s counterproductive. Business case should drive technology choices, not the other way around.

Two figures within a data center / server maze, strewn with clouds.

Serverless is the future of PostgreSQL

To differentiate the many flavors of PostgreSQL, the few truly serverless offerings promise better engineering and faster development.

keys on a keychain / key ring / password management / binary code overlay

7 keys to controlling serverless cloud costs

The CNCF 2022 Annual Cloud Native Survey reports a significant bump in serverless adoption. Enterprise cloud cost optimization practices must keep up to keep cloud spending in check.

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Heroku's Adam Wiggins on making computers better

The Heroku co-founder is an advocate for bringing out the best in computers, but he's not shy about what's not working in the tech industry today.

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When containers are not the answer

Containers are being sold as a cure-all for cloud computing systems, but they have a specific purpose, and in many instances should not be used.

Java  >  Lambda expressions  >  Lambda symbol / circuits / puzzle pieces

AWS Lambda kickstarts Java functions

AWS Lambda SnapStart cuts Java startup times by initializing Java functions ahead of time and caching a snapshot of the initialized execution environment.

AWS re:Invent

The open enough, multicloud enough, serverless enough cloud

Amazon Web Services may disappoint die-hard proponents of open source, multicloud, and serverless. Clearly customers have a different view.

A pattern of Twitter-like bird icons and binary code is broken / breached / hacked.

What open source gets wrong with Mastodon

The open source alternative to Twitter is forgetting the customer experience in its rush to make a political statement about decentralization.

networking abstract

CockroachDB gets database migration tool, as CockroachDB Serverless launches

The new migration tool, Molt, is expected to ease complexities arising out of database migration, while CockroachDB Serverless becomes generally available.

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DataStax makes Astra Streaming service generally available

Astra Streaming has been in beta across 977 enterprises since last year and is also integrated into Datastax’s serverless managed database, AstraDB, giving it the ability to support applications built on data-in-motion.

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It’s a serverless and containerized world

A new survey shows what most of us already know: Cloud solutions are focused on serverless and containers. Know the good and bad of this popular combo.

piggy bank one dollar bills money savings

12 programming tricks to cut your cloud bill

Cutting cloud costs is a team effort, and that includes developers. Here are 12 tricks for developing software that is cheaper to run in the cloud.

plus symbol globe communication network digital transformation concept abstract

Deno Deploy moves toward GA, adds paid plan

Beta 4 of the serverless edge hosting service for JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly applications improves the management dashboard and adds three new regions.

A developer works across multiple displays showing lines of code in a dimly lit workspace.

Cloudflare Workers for Platforms aims for more programmable web

Cloudflare Workers for Platforms provides a set of tools and an API standard that would allow developers to customize any web application.

A hand reaches to activate controls marked with gear icons [ process / update / fix / automate ]

Leaving cloud scalability to automation

Autoscaling in the cloud can ensure organizations always have resources, but sometimes it's a lazy and expensive decision.

Java  >  Lambda expressions  >  Lambda symbol / circuits / puzzle pieces

AWS unveils ML-powered devops for AWS Lambda

Amazon DevOps Guru for Serverless uses machine learning to improve the operational availability and performance of AWS Lambda applications.

Jigsaw puzzle pieces coming together.

Go serverless with Vercel, SvelteKit, and MongoDB

What do you get when you combine Vercel, SvelteKit, and MongoDB Atlas? A powerful serverless-first development stack that scales massively.

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