Dries Buytaert


Dries Buytaert is an open source developer and technology executive. He is the original creator and project lead for Acquia, a venture-backed technology company. Acquia provides an open cloud platform to many large organizations, which helps them build, deliver and optimize digital experiences. A Young Global Leader at the World Economic Forum, Buytaert holds a Ph.D. in computer science and engineering from Ghent University and a Licentiate Computer Science (MsC) from the University of Antwerp. He was named CTO of the Year by the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council, New England Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young, and a Young Innovator by MIT Technology Review. He blogs frequently on Drupal, open source, startups, business, and the future at Dri.es.

The power of open source to fight COVID-19

A cure for unfair competition in open source

A cure for unfair competition in open source

How to balance makers and takers to scale and sustain open source projects, companies, and ecosystems (part 1)

Open source and the free-rider problem

Open source and the free-rider problem

How to balance makers and takers to scale and sustain open source projects, companies, and ecosystems (part 3)

3 suggestions for stronger open source projects

3 suggestions for stronger open source projects

How to balance makers and takers to scale and sustain open source projects, companies, and ecosystems (part 5)

3 models for open source governance

3 models for open source governance

How to balance makers and takers to scale and sustain open source projects, companies, and ecosystems (part 4)

How takers hurt makers in open source

How takers hurt makers in open source

How to balance makers and takers to scale and sustain open source projects, companies, and ecosystems (part 2)

Commercialization of volunteer-driven open source projects

Open source projects driven by volunteer developers are essential, but, eventually, commercialization must take hold for the good of the project

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