Jeremy Duvall


Jeremy Duvall is the founder of 7Factor Software, a custom, cloud-native software solutions company that builds from the beginning for stability, security, and scalability for tech-forward enterprises and ambitious start-ups with great ideas and a commitment to quality. Jeremy is a software craftsman with more than a decade of experience building and advising others on how to build rugged, performant, and beautiful software in nearly every industry. Jeremy founded 7Factor in 2017 with a commitment to build a smart, flexible, human-centric team of experienced software architects, engineers, and developers who obsess about quality and will give clients honest, expert advice. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

AI is my copilot: The promise of AI code generation

Measuring engineering velocity misses all the value

Measuring engineering velocity misses all the value

Our preoccupation with software development speed has made velocity the predominant metric of success for engineering teams—to the detriment of people, process, and product value.

Developers, unite! Join the fight for code quality

Developers, unite! Join the fight for code quality

Advocating for quality code isn’t always easy, because management doesn’t always care. But it’s the only way to build good things that deliver on their promise.

Kill snowflake servers so the cloud can take their place

Kill snowflake servers so the cloud can take their place

High-availability, auto-scaling, self-healing cloud infrastructure is as resilient as the many-headed Hydra of Greek myth. Make the most of it by using containers.

Full-stack engineering is one-third as good

Full-stack engineering is one-third as good

Full-stack engineering sounds like a dream. In fact it’s a recipe for slower development, lower-quality software, soaring technical debt, and overstressed engineers.

Manage morale, not metrics, for more effective engineering teams

Manage morale, not metrics, for more effective engineering teams

Management is obsessed with measuring everything, and this obsession is sabotaging the quality solutions that software engineering teams can craft.

Software engineering estimates are garbage

Software engineering estimates are garbage

When estimates are based on the myth of metronomic coding machines tackling deterministic work, they’re a complete waste of time. There’s a better way.

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