Programming Languages

Programming Languages | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos

Caucasian hand holding up four fingers. Number 4.
magic wand starts trick

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Next.js 13.5 brings faster startups and refreshes

Next.js 13.5 features faster startups and refreshes and lower memory usage. Package imports were also optimized for large libraries.

Angular 2 primary

Angular 17 due in November with syntax for control flow

Directive functionality is to be added to the framework itself, along with deferrable loading.

thumbs up

Deno runtime now integrates with Jupyter Notebook

Deno 1.37 highlights integration with Jupyter Notebook for scripting and analysis and improved VS Code extension support, among other updates.

Python system administration book / education / learning

People and Python in AI

If you want to squeeze the most value from your data, teach your employees Python and Excel instead of specialized programming languages.

Java / coffee

Oracle unveils GraalOS for serverless Java

GraalOS builds on GraalVM Native Image and promises minimal cold start, transparent suspend and resume, and no-cost idle.

Speed, fast, performance

Make Java fast! Performance tuning Java

Learn how to optimize JVM and JIT compiler performance for better execution speed, memory usage, and resource utilization in your Java applications—and how to check your results.

command line

Shiny R web framework arrives in Wasm

Shinylive R package exports Shiny R apps as Wasm-enabled Shinylive applications that run completely in a web browser.

Oracle headquarters

Generative AI most important technology ever, Oracle’s Ellison says

Generative AI fundamentally changes how apps will be built and run at Oracle, the company’s CTO and co-founder said.

Landscape in the shape of the letter x.

Intro to HTMX: Dynamic HTML without JavaScript

HTMX is the HTML extension syntax that replaces JavaScript with simple markup. It could change the course of web development.

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JDK 21: The new features in Java 21

Java 21 has arrived in a production release with 15 features including virtual threads, a generational Z garbage collector, and a key encapsulation mechanism API.

developer programmer

DataStax’s new JSON API targets JavaScript developers

The new API, which will be made available through DataStax’s Stargate, will allow JavaScript developers to leverage Astra DB as a vector database for their large language model (LLM), AI assistant, and real-time generative AI projects....

solar eclipse sun ring shadow clods

Eclipse enterprise Java gathers steam, MicroProfile slips

Eclipse survey of enterprise Java developers shows Jakarta EE use on the rise, MicroProfile losing ground to Spring, and Kubernetes and microservices to be the top community priorities.

shipping trucking container supply chain shutterstock 402767335

Ruby on Rails extends Docker support

Now available in a beta, Rails 7.1 will generate all Dockerfiles needed for deployment, tuned for production use.

Stacking. Stacked building blocks.

How to build a microservice in ASP.NET Core

A microservices architecture can help you build applications that are flexible, scalable, and easy to maintain. Here’s how to get started with microservices in ASP.NET Core.

rust king iron bronze crown royal queen

JetBrains previews RustRover IDE for Rust development

RustRover combines coding assistance and a built-in toolchain for testing, running, debugging, and analyzing Rust code.

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Use TensorFlow to predict Bitcoin prices

Here's your chance to use TensorFlow with JavaScript. Train a neural network to predict the rise and fall of Bitcoin prices.

seven golden eggs

7 Python libraries for parallel processing

Do you need to distribute a heavy Python workload across multiple CPUs or a compute cluster? Here are seven frameworks up to the task.

red balloon leader unique one of a kind

Kotlin rises to the Tiobe top 20

JetBrains language for Android, JVM, and multiplatform development has become the 20th most popular programming language, according to Tiobe.

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