Fine-Tuning Apps Without Constant Restarts
BrandPost AWS

Fine-Tuning Apps Without Constant Restarts

How configuration changes and feature switches can be updated dynamically and quickly without needing complete application rollouts

Real-time Reaction Required When Traffic Surges
BrandPost AWS

Real-time Reaction Required When Traffic Surges

Scale and speed are critical when big events or unexpected scenarios affect your applications; fast configuration updates can save the day

How to Stop Dreading and Start Loving App Updates
BrandPost AWS

How to Stop Dreading and Start Loving App Updates

Tweaking and fine-tuning apps once caused major stress for developers. New tools that can validate configuration and provide for automatic rollback can make app updates less nerve-wracking.

How dynamic configuration can avoid the butterfly effect of app changes
BrandPost AWS

How dynamic configuration can avoid the butterfly effect of app changes

Configuration changes on complex apps allow companies to react faster to changing conditions or create less stressful feature or product launches

Installing guardrails for app configuration changes
BrandPost AWS

Installing guardrails for app configuration changes

Safety controls such as monitoring, validation and rollbacks help keep application configuration updates from creating a catastrophic event.