Free course: Getting started with Kubernetes

InfoWorld has partnered with Pluralsight to bring you this free online course. Learn how Kubernetes works and how to use it to manage containers

Free course: Getting started with Kubernetes

If anything in tech is hotter than Docker containers, it’s Kubernetes. As a matter of fact, Docker and Kubernetes go hand in hand. While Docker has changed how applications are architected and built, Kubernetes has changed how these applications—containerized applications—are deployed and run. An open source project out of Google, Kubernetes has emerged as the industry leading container management system.

In partnership with Pluralsight, InfoWorld brings you the three-hour course, “Getting Started with Kubernetes,” absolutely free. The author, Nigel Poulton, is a popular figure in the tech industry, best-known for his videos and books on container technologies.

Nigel Poulton is currently a Docker Captain and spends most of his time working with Docker and Kubernetes. Prior to working with container technologies, Nigel has done everything from changing backup tapes and resetting passwords all the way up to designing and managing large-scale solutions in some of the most demanding corporate environments in the world.

In “Getting Started with Kubernetes,” Nigel will introduce you to the most fundamental aspects of Kubernetes—both theory and practice. First, you’ll dive into Kubernetes architecture, what the main components and services are, and how they come together to build a production-class container infrastructure. Next, you’ll learn how to install and deploy Kubernetes on several cloud platforms. Finally, you’ll delve into working with pods, deployments, and services.

To take “Getting Started with Kubernetes,” you’ll need to provide your name and email address, with no obligation or fee. By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of what Kubernetes is and how it works, as well as the skills to deploy a Kubernetes cluster and simple applications.

Related video: What is Kubernetes?

In this 90-second video, learn about Kubernetes, the open-source system for automating containerized applications, from one of the technology’s inventors, Joe Beda, founder and CTO at Heptio.

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