Astonishingly easy mapping in R with mapview

Create interactive maps of GIS data with tooltips, hover text, and legends in one short and simple line of code. Plus get extras like side-by-side sliders and multiple maps in sync.

Astonishingly easy mapping in R with mapview

R has some excellent mapping options. There is the leaflet R package, which I use when I want to do a lot of customization. There is tmap, which I like for its nice balance between power and ease of use. And recently I’ve started also using mapview.

mapview’s raison d’être is exploratory visualization — more specifically, generating useful default maps with very little code. As little code as:

mapview(mydata, zcol = "mycolumn")

One function, two arguments, done. That makes it extremely easy to explore geospatial data, or to create a fast prototype. Plus mapview has a few cool syntax options for viewing multiple maps.

mapview in action

For this demo I’ll use a shapefile of US states and data about population changes by state in the last 20 years. If you want to follow along, download the data zip file:

State and state capital data for use with InfoWorld’s mapview tutorial Sharon Machlis

As usual, first a little bit of data prep. The code below loads four packages, downloads a GIS file defining state polygon borders, then joins that with state populations in 2000, 2010, and 2020.  

us_geo <- tigris::states(cb = TRUE, resolution = '20m')
pop_data <- readr::read_csv("state_population_data.csv")
all_data <- inner_join(us_geo, pop_data, by = c("GEOID" = "GEOID")) 

With my data ready, this single line of code is all I need to create an interactive map to explore my data, colored by percent change between 2010 and 2020:

mapview(all_data, zcol = "PctChange10_20")

A screenshot of the default map is shown below, including a pop-up table which appears if you click on a state and hover text which appears if you hover/mouse over a state. 

Map of the 48 contiguous US states colored by population change with a popup table of data Screenshot by Sharon Machlis

Default mapview map generated with one small line of code.

Notice what’s not in the code that generated this map. I didn’t have to specify in any way that I’m analyzing polygons or that I want a map colored by polygon; mapview() chose defaults based on the type of geospatial file. The code mapview(all_data, zcol = "PctChange10_20") is all you need to generate an interactive choropleth map — including hover text and pop-ups.

The default pop-up includes every field in my data, and it is probably not what I’d want an end user to see. However, it’s useful for exploring my data. And the pop-up is customizable, which I’ll get to in a bit. 

If your data set doesn’t have row names, mapview() uses the row number for the pop-up table’s top row. You can add row names to your data set with base R’s row.names() function to get more user-friendly table titles.

By the way, if your table doesn’t look as nicely formatted as the one in this map, try updating GDAL on your system. I updated the rgdal package on my system and it solved a table formatting problem.

More mapview features

If you look very carefully at the top left of the map in the screenshot above, you should see some text showing the longitude and latitude of where my mouse was at the time I captured the image, as well as the leaflet map zoom level. Both of those change as you interact with the map.

This default map also includes scale in kilometers and miles at the bottom left. And, at the bottom right, there is a button with the name of the data set and column. If you move the map around or zoom in or out, clicking that button brings you back to the map starting point. 

Visualize points with mapview

Adding points to a map is just as easy as polygons. For points, I’ll use a CSV file of state capitals with their longitude and latitude.

In the code below, I use the rio package to read the CSV, but you could use another option such as readr::read_csv(). To use latitude and longitude data for GIS work in R (not only for mapview), you then need to turn the data frame into a spatial object. The sf package’s st_as_sf() function does this. 

capitals <- rio::import("us-state-capitals.csv")
capitals_geo <- st_as_sf(capitals, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
crs = 4326)

st_as_sf() needs as arguments the data frame, a vector defining which columns have longitude and latitude info, and your desired coordinate reference system, in this case one used by a lot of background map tiles.

Once the data is transformed, I can use it to add a points layer to my map with another call to mapview():

mapview(all_data, zcol="PctChange10_20") + 

I didn’t have to tell mapview that capitals_geo contains points, or which columns hold latitude and longitude data. In fact, once I create my first mapview object, I can add layers to the map without calling mapview() again; I can just use the point object’s name:

mapview(all_data, zcol = "PctChange10_20") + capitals_geo

The map now looks like this:

Map showing US states and circles at the location of each state's capital city Screenshot by Sharon Machlis

Map with polygons and points.

Invoke automatic visualizations

You can also ask mapview to automatically visualize geospatial objects in your R session. The package’s startWatching() function creates a map of any sf object you add to or change in your R session after the function is invoked. You can see how it works in the video embedded at the top of this article. 

Customize R maps with mapview

There are mapview() arguments to customize map options such as color for polygon boundary lines, col.regions for polygon fill colors, and alpha.regions for opacity.

You can rename a layer with the argument if you want a more user-friendly layer name. This appears on the legend, the bottom right button, and when opening the layer button toward the top left.

In this next code block, I change the polygon colors and opacity using the “Greens” palette from the RColorBrewer package and an opacity of 1 so the polygons are opaque. (Note you will need the RColorBrewer package installed if you want to run this code on your system.)

 mapview(all_data, zcol = "PctChange10_20", 
col.regions = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Greens"),
alpha.regions = 1)

The Greens palette has a maximum of nine discrete colors. mapview complains if you don’t give it a palette with the number of colors it needs, as in the warning below, but it will do the interpolating work for you.

Warning message: 
Found less unique colors (9) than unique zcol values (41)!
Interpolating color vector to match number of zcol values.

You can use a diverging palette in your map, too, such as the RdYlGn palette:

mapview(all_data, zcol = "PctChange10_20", 
col.regions = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, "RdYlGn"), alpha.regions = 1)
Map of US states by population change colored in green, yellow, and red with a black background Screenshot by Sharon Machlis

This map’s dark background appeared automatically, because mapview determined the map included a lot of light colors. You can turn off that basemap behavior with

mapviewOptions("basemaps.color.shuffle" = FALSE)

Visualize two maps together

Now to a couple of those cool syntax options I mentioned at the beginning. Here I’m creating two maps, one for the 2010 to 2020 population change and the other for 2000 to 2010:

map2020 <- mapview(all_data, zcol = "PctChange10_20", 
col.regions = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Greens"), alpha.regions = 1, = "Pct change 2010-2020"
map2010 <- mapview(all_data, zcol = "PctChange00_10",
col.regions = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Greens"), alpha.regions = 1, = "Pct change 2000-2010"

You can place the maps side by side and have them move in sync with the leafsync package and the sync() function.

sync(map2010, map2020)

Two maps of the US side by side Screenshot by Sharon Machlis

These two maps pan, zoom, and move in sync together.

Or, you can put two maps on the same layer and have a side-by-side slider to compare the two, thanks to the leaflet.extras2 package and the | (Unix pipe, not R pipe) character.

map2010 | map2020
Map with a slider in the middle that slides back and forth to show left or right version. Screenshot by Sharon Machlis

The map slider can move left to right to show either the left or right map version.

Don’t want legends, pop-ups, or hover text on a map? Those can be turned off with

mapview(all_data, zcol = "PctChange10_20", 
        legend = FALSE, label = FALSE, popup = FALSE)

You can also turn off the background map tiles by using a data set’s custom projection. One case where that’s useful is if you want a map of the US showing Alaska and Hawaii as insets, instead of where they actually are geographically, for a more compact display.

The first four lines of code below use the albersusa package to generate a GIS file with Alaska and Hawaii as insets. But the resulting default mapview map of this data still shows default background tiles, resulting in Alaska and Hawaii appearing overlayed onto Mexico.

us_geo50 <- usa_sf("lcc") %>% mutate(GEOID = as.character(fips_state))
pop_data50 <- readr::read_csv("data/state_population_data50.csv")
all_data50 <- inner_join(us_geo50, pop_data50, by = c("GEOID" = "GEOID"))
mapview(all_data50, zcol = "PctChange10_20")

Map of the US with Alaska and Hawaii as insets, but appearing over the map of Mexico Screenshot by Sharon Machlis

Sometimes you would like to use a custom projection and remove the background map tiles.

If I tell mapview to use the data’s native projection, though, the projection is accurate and the background no longer includes map tiles.

mapview(all_data50, zcol = "PctChange10_20", = TRUE)

Map of the US with Alaska and Hawaii as insets and no background map tiles. Screenshot by Sharon Machlis

Using a custom projection can allow for more flexible displays, such as this map of the US with Alaska and Hawaii as insets.

More R mapview customizations

You can customize your bin breakpoints with the at argument. In the code below, I set breaks using base R’s seq() function, going from -4 to 20 by increments of 2. The map colors and legend will show the new breaks.

mapview(all_data, zcol = "PctChange10_20", 
at = seq(-4, 20, 2))

You can customize your pop-ups and hover text using the same techniques as with the leaflet R package. I’m sure there are multiple ways to do this, but this is my usual process:

First, create a vector of character strings — with HTML code if you want formatting —  using the full dataframe$column_name syntax for variables. I find the glue package useful for this, although you could paste() as well. For example:

mylabel <- glue::glue("{all_data$State} {all_data$PctChange10_20}%")

Second, apply the htmltools package’s HTML() function to the vector with lapply() so you end up with a list — because you need a list — such as:

mypopup <- glue::glue("<strong>{all_data$State}</strong><br />
Change 2000-2010: {all_data$PctChange00_10}%<br />
Change 2010-2020: {all_data$PctChange10_20}%") %>%
mylabel <- glue::glue("{all_data$State} {all_data$PctChange10_20}%") %>%

My pop-up list now looks something like this:

head(mypopup, 3) 
[[1]] <strong>Washington</strong><br />
Change 2000-2010: 14.1%<br />
Change 2010-2020: 14.6%
[[2]] <strong>Puerto Rico</strong><br />
Change 2000-2010: -2.2%<br />
Change 2010-2020: -11.8%
[[3]] <strong>South Dakota</strong><br />
Change 2000-2010: 7.9%<br />
Change 2010-2020: 8.9%
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