Angular 17 due in November with syntax for control flow

Directive functionality is to be added to the framework itself, along with deferrable loading.


Angular 17, an upgrade to Google’s popular TypeScript-based web development framework, is due in November with template features including a new built-in syntax for control flow and deferrable loading.

A September 25 blog post from Alex Rickabaugh of the Angular team covered the planned capabilities, with declarative control flow set to add the functionality of the NgIf, NgFor, and NgSwitch directives into the framework itself. Deferrable loading, meanwhile, allows templates to load dependencies lazily in response to trigger conditions; the team described the change as the most significant made to Angular templates. Work continues on finishing up these features. Angular 17 will use a syntax dubbed @-syntax for control flow and deferrable views.

Angular 17 currently is labeled as a prerelease version on GitHub. The Angular team said it has received significant positive feedback about the new features as well as a variety of opinions on the syntax itself. Syntax, Rickabaugh said, can inspire passion in developers. Predecessor release Angular 16 was released May 3, previewing a new reactivity model and improving performance and developer experience. It has been followed by multiple point releases.