14 popular AI algorithms and their uses

Large language models have captured the news cycle, but there are many other kinds of machine learning and deep learning with many different use cases.

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In LSTMs, the network is capable of forgetting (gating) previous information as well as remembering it, in both cases by altering weights. This effectively gives an LSTM both long-term and short-term memory, and solves the vanishing gradient problem. LSTMs can deal with sequences of hundreds of past inputs.


Transformers are neural networks that solely use attention mechanisms, dispensing with recurrence and convolutions entirely. Transformers were invented at Google.

Attention units (and transformers) are part of Google’s BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) algorithm and OpenAI’s GPT-2 algorithm (transformer model with unsupervised pre-training) for natural language processing. Transformers continue to be integral to the neural architecture of the latest large language models, such as ChatGPT/Bing Chat (based on GPT-3.5 or GPT-4) and Bard (based on LaMDA, which stands for Language Model for Dialogue Applications).

Attention units are not terribly sensitive to how close two words in a sentence appear, unlike RNNs; that makes them good at tasks that RNNs don’t do well, such as identifying antecedents of pronouns that may be separated from the referent pronouns by several sentences. Attention units are good at looking at a context larger than just the last few words preceding the current word.


Q-learning is a model-free, value-based, off-policy algorithm for reinforcement learning that will find the best series of actions based on the current state. The “Q” stands for quality. Quality represents how valuable the action is in maximizing future rewards. Q-learning is essentially learning by experience.

Q-learning is often combined with deep neural networks. It’s used with convolutional neural networks trained to extract features from video frames, for example for teaching a computer to play video games or for learning robotic control. AlphaGo and AlphaZero are famous successful game-playing programs from Google DeepMind that were trained with reinforcement learning combined with deep neural networks.

As we’ve seen, there are many kinds of machine learning problems, and many algorithms for each kind of problem. These range in complexity from linear regression for numeric prediction to convolutional neural networks for image processing, transformer-based models for generative AI, and reinforcement learning for game-playing and robotics.

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